Bliss Paddle Yoga @ Endless SUP Race

Taylor Classes & Workshops, Events, SUP Race, Travel, Yoga Teacher Training 1 Comment

Endless SUP Race & Bliss Paddle Yoga Teacher Training:

Bradley Beach, New Jersey. July 30-August 4, 2013

Bliss Paddle Yoga Teacher Training

The Endless SUP Race and Shore Smoothies are bringing Bliss Paddle Yoga to the eastern seaboard. Join us on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 30-31 for special Bliss Paddle Yoga classes at 9 and 11am - reserve your spot here. There’s also one spot left in our 3 day teacher training immersion course!

Endless SUP Race 2012

The Endless SUP Race is a WPA sanctioned stand up paddle race in Bradley Beach, New Jersey. The race will take place on Thursday, August 1, 2013 with activities going on all day. The main feature of the event is an elite six mile open ocean race; A one mile leisure race and Bliss Paddle Yoga class are also on the day’s agenda. Sponsors and exhibitors including Shore Smoothies and Kona Brewing will be set up in the beach front vendor village. The fun doesn’t stop when the sun goes down ~ we just move to the after party with live music, awards, prizes, and good food!

Endless SUP Race Bliss Paddle Yoga

Summer on the Jersey shore ~ warm and sunny!

Race organizers and sponsors Bill & Jessica Medler of Shore Smoothies in Bradley Beach decided it was time to expand the local SUP community and bring yoga into the fold ~ so they have graciously invited Bliss Paddle Yoga to attend the race, offer classes for the week leading up to the event, and even hold the first east coast Bliss Paddle Yoga Teacher Training! We already have a few Atlantic seaboard SUP yogis signed up for training, and we can’t wait to meet everyone and share the California Bliss with our east coast SUP family.

Endless SUP Race Bliss Paddle Yoga

Gearing up for the race in ’12

To enter the Endless SUP Race, visit their web site (Shore Smoothies). Want to join us in New Jersey? Reserve your space now for training, or contact us for more details.




Comments 1

  1. Mariella Diaz

    I’m excited to see a SUP training on our beautiful Jersey Shore. Please email me with more details for your July/August Training!

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